fort worth commercial property

FOR SALE: Industrial Warehouse Shop 10 Service Bays Half Acre Concreted Fenced Lot DFW Metro North Texas (972)891-1576 or 479-586-3417

Industrial Commercial Property with Warehouse Building in the growing Dallas Fort Worth Metropolitan area with concreted fenced outside storage on half acre with 150' of private road frontage. Secluded for privacy and security at the end of a warehouse district cul-de-sac behind tall solid sheet metal fence with 20 feet wide entry gates. U-shaped warehouse is separated into 2 outisde storage lots by chainlink fence with 12-feet wide double-door gates and single walk-in door. Each side has an office and a bathroom. 5 miles away from crossing of the two major interstates I-20 and I-35. 5 minutes away from the major corporation distribution centers: Ben E Keith, Tyson Foods, Mother Parker Coffee, Purina, Miller Cooors Beer, Borden Dairy, Amazon Warehouse, etc. Close to from major trucking stops like Love's Travel Stop and Quicktrip. Low-crime developing Southern Fort Worth warehouse district offers business-welcoming small local municipalities, easy-going friendly law-enforcement forces, and a favorable climate with a year-round mild weather conditions. More about North Texas Warehouse Construciton. Only 6 hours (400 miles) from the Mexican border.

Call/text 972.891.1576 or 479-586-3417 or 24-hours 7-days a week.

  • Building : 11,600 Square Feet U-shaped, 2 offices, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchenette
  • Lot : 0.5 acre (21,780 square feet)
  • Zoning : AE (1% Annual Chance Flooding), Land Zoning -Commercial Industrial Storage
  • 10 Service Bays: (2) 24'x12' bay doors, (1) 20' x 12' bay door, (5) 10'W x 10'H, (2) 10'W x 12'H bay doors
  • Structure : one-story metal building 17' feet high, partially insulated. Metal roof. 3-phase 220-Volts electricity, metal halide lighting.
  • Fence : Solid Sheet Metal 7.5' high with Double Gates 20 feet Wide, Chainlink 6' high
  • Interstates : I35W (2 miles), I20 (5 miles), I30 (7 miles)
  • Airports : DFW International Airport (29 miles), Fort Worth Meacham Int'l Airport (17 miles), Fort Worth Alliance Airport (28 miles), Dallas Love Field Airport (39 miles)
  • Freight Ports : Port of Houston (267 miles), Port of Shreveport Louisiana (218 miles)
  • 20-Year History : Zero accidents, zero on-site incidents, zero citations, zero violations
  • Price : $1,550,000 USD (one million five hundred fifty thousand USD)
warehouse for sale

dallas warehouses for sale

texas industrial properties for sale

fort worth warehouse listings

fort worth storage warehouse

Possible Uses

Distribution and logistics, e-commerce fullfillment center, automotive, recycling center, investor and real estate broker individual bay leasing, manufacturing, factory, medical research, energy industry, oil and gas processing, aerospace, storage, secure commercial truck parking, educational, robotics and automation development, office supply, legal Cannabis Hemp greenhouse, safe outside storage yard, wood processing.

Neighboring Businesses

Oil Rig Equipment, Medical Waste, Metal recycling, Lumber Yard, 18-wheeler Parking Yard, 18-Wheeler Parking Yard, Auto Mechanic, Auto Body Painting and Restoration, Aviation Manufacturing, None-profit Organization Donations Distribution Center. Back side of the building has a small creek and a wooded area, followed by a residential neighborhood and school facility.

Warehousing Industry Growth

Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper, "Dallas-Fort Worth is the fastest growing metro in the U.S. and the expansion isn’t stopping anytime soon, real estate experts say." With 6.5% jobs growth, the DFW Metroplex of 7.8 million people has more than 62 million square feet of industrial space under development and is projected to be #1 Industrial Market in USA this year.

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Bodega en Texas en venta montaje almacenamiento recicladora automotriz Almacén Industrial Tienda con 10 Bahías de Servicio 1/2 Acre (2023 metros cuadrados) Concreto Estacionamiento cercado en Dallas Fort Worth Metro North Texas. John 972-891-1576 Tamaño del edificio 11,000 pies cuadrados (1077 metros cuadrados). ($2.5 millones de dólares USD) Excelente ubicación para distribución y logística, centro de cumplimiento de comercio electrónico, automotriz, centro de reciclaje, inversionista y corredor de bienes raíces arrendamiento de bahía individual, fabricación, fábrica, investigación médica, industria energética, procesamiento de petróleo y gas, aeroespacial , almacenamiento, estacionamiento seguro de camiones comerciales, educación, desarrollo de robótica y automatización, suministros de oficina, patio de almacenamiento exterior seguro, procesamiento de madera, invernadero de cáñamo de cannabis legal, centro de distribución de donaciones de organizaciones sin fines de lucro. A solo 6 horas (640km 400 millas) de la frontera con México.
Lagerhaus in Texas zu verkaufen 972-891.1576 Ein halbes Hektar großes, eingezäuntes Betongrundstück mit 10 Buchten Industrielles Lagerhaus mit 10 Servicebuchten, 1/2 Acre (2023 m2) betonierter, eingezäunter Parkplatz in Dallas Fort Worth Metro North Texas. John 972-891-1576 Gebäudegröße 11.000 Quadratfuß (1077 Quadratmeter). (2.5 Millionen Dollar USD) Großartiger Standort für Vertrieb und Logistik, E-Commerce-Fulfillment-Center, Automobilindustrie, Recyclingzentrum, individuelle Buchtenvermietung für Investoren und Immobilienmakler, Fertigung, Fabrik, medizinische Forschung, Energiewirtschaft, Öl- und Gasverarbeitung, Luft- und Raumfahrt , Lagerung, sichere Parkplätze für Nutzfahrzeuge, Bildung, Robotik- und Automatisierungsentwicklung, Bürobedarf, sicherer Außenlagerplatz, Holzverarbeitung, legales Cannabis-Hanf-Gewächshaus, Spendenverteilungszentrum gemeinnütziger Organisationen. Nur 6 Stunden (400 Meilen oder 640 km) von der mexikanischen Grenze entfernt.
Texas Entrepôt 1077m² Terrain en béton d'un demi-acre clôturé 10 baies Entrepôt industriel avec 10 baies de service 1/2 acre (2023 m2) Parking clôturé bétonné à Dallas Fort Worth Metro North Texas. John 972-891-1576 Taille du bâtiment 11 000 pieds carrés (1077 mètres carrés). (2.5 millions de dollars USD) Emplacement idéal pour la distribution et la logistique, centre de distribution de commerce électronique, automobile, centre de recyclage, investisseur et courtier immobilier location de baies individuelles, fabrication, usine, recherche médicale, industrie de l'énergie, traitement du pétrole et du gaz, aérospatiale , entreposage, stationnement sécurisé pour camions commerciaux, éducation, développement de la robotique et de l'automatisation, fournitures de bureau, aire d'entreposage extérieur sécuritaire, transformation du bois, serre légale de chanvre de cannabis, centre de distribution des dons d'organismes à but non lucratif. A seulement 6 heures (400 miles ou 640 km) de la frontière mexicaine.
Склад в Техасе 1077м² Бетонный участок 2023м² Огороженный 10 отсеками Промышленный цех с 10 сервисными отсеками Склад 1/2 акра (2023 квадратных метра) Забетонированная огороженная парковка в Далласе Метро Форт-Уэрт Северный Техас. Размер здания 11 000 квадратных футов (1077 квадратных метров). 2,5 миллионов долларов. Чтобы узнать подробности, посетите Свяжитесь с Джоном +1-972-891-1576. Отличное расположение для дистрибуции и логистики, центра электронной коммерции, автомобилестроения, центра переработки, инвестора и брокера по недвижимости, аренды отдельных отсеков, производства, фабрики, медицинских исследований, энергетики, переработки нефти и газа, аэрокосмической промышленности, хранения, охраняемая коммерческая парковка для грузовиков , образование, разработка робототехники и автоматизации, канцтовары, безопасный открытый склад, деревообработка. Всего в 6 часах (400 миль) от мексиканской границы.

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